Nine Ways to Walk With God...
l) Walking in Harmony or Agreement - It is virtually impossible for two people
walk together unless they are in harmony or agreement. If you notice if people
walk together and have some disagreement, one or the other will back off or move
away. They will end up going their own way.

So, the question has to come up. Are you in agreement with the Lord? Unless
you are walking with God and have very different views on scripture, you will find
yourself backing away from His will and drawing away from His perfect plan in
doubt and unbelief.

However, people who walk together are extremely fond of one another. There
will be a unique bond, a oneness that makes walking together a treat and a joy.
So, the question has to come. Is Christ your favorite friend? Do you look forward
to those special times together? It is in those times of coming together with Him
that He can speak and share His life with us and our lives with Him. It is in those
special times that we grow closer and in the true knowledge of who He is.

2) Walking by Sharing - The wonderful thing about our Lord is He has called
men from ages past to come and walk with Him. He has so many insights and
secrets to share. In this, the relationship often is characterized by close two-way
sharing. As we walk together with Him, we will sense and acutely realize that He
is there, has come alongside. He has become our companion in life and our
counselor. It is He we can always turn to share all the details and close intimacies
in our life.
The question, then, has to be asked...'Do you turn to others for counsel and
encouragement? Or, do you turn to God?

3) We Learn as we Walk with God - When two people go walking together,
they learn about one another. Our Lord invited men and women to come and join
Him in what He was doing. There was something to learn that was greater than
ourselves. Therefore, walking with Christ implies that as He reveals His character
to me that I will comply to His wishes and will. Are you familiar with His voice
sharing His will with you? Have you learned that to truly love Him means that you
are willing to come closer to Him and follow His voice and will for your life?

4) Walking with God includes Exercise - In our walk with God, we are invited to
invest some thing of our strength and confidence in Him. To join Him in what He is
doing, we must have faith in His leadership and direction in our affairs. We, as
pilgrims on life's rugged road, the only way to walk it with God is by unshakable
faith in Him to intervene and to help encourage us all the way. This will exercise
us to the fullest. It will develop Godly stamina. (See Joshua l:7-9)

5) Walking with God means Separation - II Corinthians 6: l6-18, says..'I will
dwell in them and walk in them, and I will be their God, and they shall be My
people. Wherefore, come out from among them, and be ye separate (holy), saith
the Lord, and touch not the unclean things and I will receive you, and will be
Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.'
Are you bound down by life? God calls you to come out of it, break away from
old behavior patterns. Leave the wretched old world with its critical and cynical
attitudes and hopeless and despairing days. Allow God's Spirit and Presence to
come and separate you from the staleness of this sinking world.

6) Walking with God means Inspiration - Most of my life has been taking long
walks or doing a lot of long distance biking. The thrill of seeing the countryside,
walking through parks and caves quickened my pulse and always was ready to go
again. As in close companionship, alone, with God. He has opened up new
worlds of possibility. God in Christ by His Spirit abiding in me and in you calls us
to step out of darkness to walk in the brilliant light of His Presence, Person, and
Power. (Read I John: Chapter 1).

7) Walking with God means going places - In Joshua l: 2-3, Joshua moved
himself and over two million others with him across the Jordon river and into the
promised land. May I ask, is this happening in your life? Are you taking seriously
the prompting of the Holy Spirit's direction? Are you compelled to obey the
commands of God?

8) Walking Together w God means Climbing - Anyone who goes walking or
hiking soon discovers the challenge of climbing. Most of us are not content just
loafing around and dawdling in the lowlands of life.
I remember a Day Vision I had some years ago, I was walking in a field of green
grass when I passed a high hill to my right. Jesus was standing on top of the hill
and He called to me saying, "Come Up Hither". I looked around the hill. There
were no trees, no scenery particularly - just Him calling me to come up to Him.
That moment, I had to make a decision. I decided to obey Him and started the
climb up to Him to see what He wanted. My life has never been the same since.
I'm so glad that I answered His call...Hallelujah!
There has been for too long a tendency in churches, both among leaders and
lay people, to try to make their people comfortable in their padded pews. We tend
to just be there for emotional understanding without meeting the needs of the
broken people and world right outside our doors. Christ challenges us to go out
and face and help others face the fury in their lives and be light in His compassion
to help lead them out of their valleys of despair, to help them see Jesus in us, to
help them climb up and see Jesus as well and be set free. God calls us into
walking with Him to loftly levels of self-sacrifice, self-giving, be that heavenly
witness that others see and be saved to also climb up into His light as well. As He
fills us with Himself, He empowers us. Experiences with Him will break forth that
will well up in us like a living fountain and will over-flow into others. Amen?

9) Walking with God means Good News - To have climbed up to the high
country is to bring back Good News. Climbing up to be with Christ are among the
most precious moments any man or woman can experience. (See Isaiah 52:7).
As we walk with our Lord in His holiness and wholesomeness, our lives make an
impact on other's lives. Not only do we bare a unique message of Good News
from God, but even in our own life and conduct and character are a personification
of that message. As the disciples said, 'They had been with Jesus' so it can






Seek and you will find...Knock and the door will be opened unto you! God isn't a job. God is a joy!

May the Lord bless you as you step up and seek more of Him today!