1) Have anointed our hearts for burial that we may walk in the true light, set examples and become teachers of righteousness allowing the fragrance of Christ to shine through. Matthew 5;16

2) Dedicated to have a listening ear and open heart. To arise and join God as our head in what He is doing in these final hours of church history. Ephesians 4: 4;6

3) Enouraging others to follow in the "light" as we, God's people and Body are in the 'Light'.

4) Breaking down the walls of division, yet acknowledging our differences. Now allowing and accpting one another as those knitted togehter as one through the Holy Spirit in Christ.

5) Bring unity in 'purpose' and the joy of brotherhood promoting restoration and reformation to the Body of Christ...

6) Encouaraging a common concern for all members of the Body. "If one part of the Body suffers, the whole Body suffers with it.

7) Realizing that we are now coming into the Second Greatest Time in Church History! Acknowledging Christ's great gift for our area of 'Beauty for Ashes' plus believing He has spoken that He wishes to reach forth, His Right Hand to those of a passionate heart not only for Him but for One Another. We must only accept, receive, possess and join Him in what He is doing this hour.

8) Dying to self, we put on the garments of praise to our God realizing that we are saved, are being saved and will be saved. God loves us right where we are. But, He loves us too much to keep us in our comfort zones. God is preparing His church for His soon return. One life in Jesus Christ - alone - and in Him alone can we find the unity that he has created for us.

9) The Harvest is Great but the Laborers are few... May we become the Laborers that are so greatly needed to go and bring in the Harvest and prepare people for Christ's soon return.


Phyllis A. Hovey, Minister


Our Ministry's Prayer... 'Restore us, Lord Jesus... to the 'Light' which is your love for us all! Amen

Our banner is 'Love'! For as you say, "Love is the Key"!

That the world may see that you sent your Son.







I pray all is well with you...