A Teachable Spirit...Message & Prayer Acts 18:26...'He began to speak boldly in the synogogue, but when Priscila and Aquila heard him, they took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately.' What a great verse describing Apollos here in Acts l8:26. A Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria had come to Ephesus. He was eloquent and a competent in the scriptures. In verse 25, it says that he had been instructed in the ways of the Lord and being fervent in Spirit, he spoke and taught accurately the things concerning Jesus, even though he had only the baptism of John. The reality of that point was that he was fervent in spirit, competent in the scriptures, and yet, understanding of certain things was 'incomplete'. What did Pricilla and Aquilla do when they heard him? They took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately. What a great picture that teaches us so many different things and leads us to pray in so many different ways. Like we all have room to grow, areas where we don't understand everything completely, rightly, even accurately, and God puts us in the church, into His body with His work, where we begin to teach or say things that don't align with His Word, In this scripture, we see a brother and sister who pull us back and say, "No, No,No...Look at what the Word says here." And, not in a way that is harmful or unhelpful. This is so constructive here that they pull him aside. They have a conversation with him. He receives that. In fact, you go past Acts l8:26 and it says, when he wished to cross to Achaia, the brothers encouraged them, wrote to the disciples to welcome him. When he arrived, he greatly helped those who through grace had believed. For he powerfully refuted the Jews in public, showing by the scriptures that their Messiah was, in fact, Jesus. Acts l8:26 is an Example of Correction Oh, see how Priscilla and Aquilla helped equip Apollos in a way that led to even more fruitful ministry, accurately through the days ahead. Please Join Me in This Prayer...United by His Love... Dear Lord...we pray that you would help us to grow in our understanding of Your Word, Your Truth. Lord, when we, in our sinfulness, or in our frailities, or lack of understandng say things that don't align with Your Word, or teach things that are not what Your Word says, we pray that you would surround us with brothers and sisters who speak to us in love to pull us aside, to open up Your Word and to more accurately explain your ways to us through the Holy Spirit. Help us to be teachabe, give us teachable spirits that respond to correction and not just given over to human judgmentalisms. I pray for pastors, ministers, and leaders in your church. God I pray for each follower of Jesus. You've called us all to make disciples, to teach others to hear and obey everything you have commanded us. Please help us to speak truth in other's lives through love. Help us to pass on Your Word faithfully today, to our children, to friends, and neighbors, to people in our small groups, whatever it looks like. However, disciple-making is playing out your Holy Spirit leading in our lives. Lord, help us to teach Your Word, to be open to instruction and correction whenever we are teaching, communicating something that does not align with Your Word, I pray for pastors, leaders, and every follower and that you would give us a powerful ministry born by Your Holy Spirit within us as we know it truly and share it accurately, Reveal to us Your true purpose and ways. You prayed that we become one as you and the Father are one in Spirit. Awaken Us! Help us surrender totally, now with our whole hearts, to respond, to listen, to to heed your correction during this hour in history, during this time of Awakening and Refreshing. Today, we have to enter the Valley of Decision. it's time to test us that we make the right decisions in our duty and service to you. I will live like this, Dear Lord, to the best of my abilities. I have decided to follow you now with my whole heart. We yield to your will and correction. From this time forth, I will live the Kingdom lifestyle and surrender all to God in humble service and praise . In Jesus' Holy Name....Amen. 










Seek and you will find...Knock and the door will be opened unto you! God isn't a job. God is a joy!

May the Lord bless you as you step up and seek more of Him today!