To Learn the Ways of Love

Scripture Readings:
II Thes. 3:5...The Lord directs your hearts into the love of God...
II John 6...This is love, that we walk after his commandments.
Jude 2l...Keep yourselves in the love of God.

Our house had been so noisy. Construction people have been here remodeling our home. It seemed everything needed to be done. There never seemed to be a break that I could just sit and begin to spend real quality time with the Lord. Everything was just helter-skelter .
As the days passed, the Spirit deep within kept calling me back to our special time just to sit together and talk. The Lord was calling and my heart wanted to respond.
It wasn't long after the realization within my heart for that deeper time with the Lord to happen that one late afternoon, as I sat on my bed finally with praise music playing that that long awaited quality time had once again opened up for me.
Scripture states that the 'Lord inhabits the praises of His people'. And, my heart just swelled as I praised Him that His Presence was felt all around me and through my core being.
Sometimes, I am inclined to play church praise music; but, instead, I found myself going back to a time where some secular music proved just as inspiring.
The time was so profound that I knew that I would be writing down what the Lord spoke to my heart through those words and how His Presence filled me with an even stronger desire to 'go deeper' or 'climb up higher' in Him. It was much like what the Jewish people call
'aliyah' or 'ollia'...the going up as they walked 'up to' the Temple of God to worship and praise.
The older song, 'All This Love' by DeBarge, was playing at that moment. And, as I sung along and contemplated those words, it became clear the interaction that came between the Lord and myself at that very moment...the memories and all He has taught me and that I had accepted His call to learn His ways of love and the fact that this experience is waiting for you too and all who would accept His call to climb higher and go come and stand close to Him every second of every day even through all the turmoils of this life.
I felt in my whole being that I am no one ordinary on my own. I have never walked on water. Sometimes I like to hide away from the madness around me like a child who is afraid of the dark. But, I realized that when I've called on Jesus that all things are possible. And, like the scripture says that I can mount on wings as eagles and sore. And, when I call on Jesus mountains are going to fall as I trust in Him. Because He will call on Heaven and earth to rescue me when I call. And, He will call on Heaven and earth to rescue you when you call.
Widowed mother, weary brother, abused, lonely one, you're not alone. Realize like I was shown that you are not alone, never alone because Jesus, our Savior, is right there to help you carry on. We can all rise up, mount on wings as eagles, and sour into the clouds dwelling with the Lord right here, right now, here on earth. Call on Him at any time and He will be there.
When your heart is broken and when you feel discouraged, just remember that He's there.
Get caught up in the thought of that freedom in Christ that you are not alone and you are someone in Him.
As I rose up and flew higher with Him here by my song, the worship became a dialogue between He and myself...

Me: “Lord, I've had some problems but no one, no matter who I went to, seemed to be able to solve them. But, you found the answer...You told me to take a chance and learn 'Your' ways of love and all it has to offer. As you said in your Word, 'Love the Lord, your God, with all your heart with all your soul with all your mind and with all your strength.' And, the 2nd was to love one another as you love yourself. Remember, Lord, how you taught me to care about their needs as much as my own? It seems so long ago that you taught me that and I've never been sorry that I have in Your Name.”
Jesus: I said that I loved you, that hurt only came to pass you. And, indeed, I asked you to learn my ways of love.
Me: You sounded so convincing that I decided to give it You a chance and learn Your Ways of the empty vessels at the wedding at filled them with the best wine. You filled me with the best wine. I asked to be filled with your type of love, your agape love, Lord. Now, there is so much love inside me.
Jesus: Yes, My Child, 'All My Love' is waiting for you. All you need do is ask.
Me: Lord, I love how you make me feel. I'm growing stronger each and every day...After all I went through and put myself through, now, I know all I needed was You!
As the sun, moon, and stars have their place up in the sky, I love you so dearly! Now, all my love is waiting for you...sharing in this love together for all to see and show them through me old life is passing away and behold, all has become new like a fountain pouring out to others so perhaps they too may want to come up higher and dwell in Your kind of love.
You are my most-ut, my amazing one, my redeemer, my Lord, and my God. You have blessed me and blessed others through a nobody, no one special. All I had to do was humble myself, simply ask, and learn Your ways of love. Thank You, Lord! All I can do is sit here in Your Presence humbled at all the love you have to give 'if' we would only decide to follow in Your Ways of Love...for you are 'love' incarnate. You are 'LOVE'! Amen and Amen.

“Peter, do you love me?” 'We shall mount up with wings as eagles and soar!'


Interesting Observation: To fly aloft or about..(b) sail or hover in the air often at a great height, to fly without engine power and without loss of altitude. 2.)) to rise up or increase dramatically as in position, value, or price. 3.) to ascend to a higher or more exalted level – makes my spirit soar, 4) to rise to majestic stature.

The Lord God is calling 'You'. Come up higher and soar with me!
Always Remember...”I LOVE YOU!