January l, 2023 Word of Prophecy - 2023...Bobby Connors 

God has a plan for us. These trials and sufferings have come to shake up and to wake us up into coming into the glory of God. We hunger for the glory of God. We yearn for His glory to fill the earth. I want you to teach people how to get into His Presence. They will never know the glory of God unless they get into the Presence of God. Psalm l6:11...You will make known to me the path of life, in Your Presence is fullness of joy; at your right hand there are pleasures forevermore. 

We need to learn how to get the Presence into us, because that's where the glory is. There is no glory outside the Presence. God wants us to receive Him as intimate friend/Father. It's time that we need to start having our lives dwell on what is up there and even to the courts of heaven and find out what heaven's decree is. In the days to come, we are going to start seeing a change in the Body of Christ. The church will become 'awe struck', because we are so familiar with a God we hardly know. He is about to reintroduce Himself to His people. His glory is ready to be revealed to His people. We need to possess a 'Greater Glory Realm' right now. Matthew 5:6, 8 says...'Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness sake for they shall be filled', and, 'Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.' 

Be hungry for God and be filled with the glory of God. This is the most crucial time in history worldwide. Jesus says that I have found 'a people' who know in their hearts...John l5:5...'Without me, you can do nothing'. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. God wants us to prevail and we will prevail as we come into His Presence. 

The church will receive the 'Awe of God' and 'the reverential fear of the Lord'. The Word for 2023 is that we who seek Him with all of our hearts, soul, mind, and strength will be 'Awe Struck'. Because, they have never been where we are going now! The devil wants to kill as many people as quickly as he can. But, be of good cheer! We have warring angels all around us. Psalm l04:4 says, 'who makes His angels as winds, His ministers a flaming fire.' He wants to send ancient revelation knowledge. He declares that He won't write it in your minds least you forget but put them right into our hearts and souls that 'we may do them'. I believe God is going to shake up by His Presence. The Holy Fear of God is coming back to the House of God. 

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Knowledge. We are going to experience a 'Face Down Glory' as never before. Hallelujah! Prayer...Open our eyes, Lord, that we may see this Greater Glory as we come into Your Presence in our lives. There is so much more, such joy, such adventure, as we enter Your Presence. May it be as you have said. In Jesus' Name ...Amen.

 And, the Lord says, 'Be filled with all of Me!' Quote to Ponder...'When ABBA interrupted my message that day, I had to admit that I was the one yoked to religion and stuck on the treadmill of a performance mentality. I had to admit that my pace was off from the ways of Jesus. I had to admit that I had traded any Presence obsession to ministry success...'Carriers of His Presence' by Mark Castro. We talk a lot about 'the Awakening' of the church. But, in our wildest dreams, we could never imagine what the Lord has in store for those who love Him and are called by His Name. Just think, we are about to be awakened to His Very Presence working in and through us...both as a Body and in our individual lives. This is 'Good News!' And, well worth sharing with everyone!!! GLORY!!!